AISA Structure

AISA is a not-for-profit, public company limited by guarantee. We are a national member-based association greatly assisted by volunteers and industry advisors.  

AISA is governed by a constitution and a number of other supporting documents. These are the rules and practices that govern the management of the association. As an independent not-for-profit charity, regulated by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), AISA was established to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of our profession and the cyber safety of all Australians.

The Board of Directors oversees and manages the affairs of AISA.  They provide insight and knowledge from their individual area of expertise, facilitate the execution of AISA's strategy, and govern the organisation in line with the constitution and related policies. 

AISA has eight branches nationally, which have two Branch Executives, primarily responsible for organising branch meetings and activities with the assistance of their local Branch Committee.

AISA’s activities are supported by the AISA Operations Team, a dedicated resource of industry specialists with extensive association experience, who focus on the overall operations of AISA.

Board of Directors

The governing body of AISA - the Board of Directors - provides oversight within the framework of relevant legislation, our Constitution and Board Charter. The responsibilities of the Board include setting and reviewing our strategic direction and  monitoring organisational performance and deciding on key policy positions to take on behalf of directors. The Board currently consists of up to 12 directors, including elected and appointed individuals. The procedure for the appointment of directors can be found in our Constitution. 


AISA Branch Structure

As a national peak body association, AISA has a Branch in each Australian state and territory, as well as a Cloud Branch to support regional and remote members.

Each branch has a Branch Chair and Deputy Chair, supported by a Branch Committee.

The role of Branches is to provide members with access to member meetings, industry events, networking opportunities and professional development. Branch Executives also support the AISA Board of Directors and Operations Team in fulfilling AISA’s vision.

Further details regarding our committees and branch events can be located on our AISA Branches page.

AISA Committees

Board Nomination Committee
Independent Ethics Committee 
Risk & Audit Management Committee
Finance Committee
Charity Committee
AISA Foundation Scholarship Fund Committee