AISA reaffirms its commitment to members 

The Australian InfoSec industry peak body (AISA) reaffirms its commitment to deliver positive outcomes for AISA and its members.  The Board has developed a strategic plan for the organisation’s growth and advocacy that will reinforce its industry expertise and importance. Members will notice the positive changes at a local level through their branches, and in the way in which the national program rolls out over the coming months.

The AISA Board and the Branch Chairs have spent the past two days planning 2017-2018 member opportunities and events, and its first priority is to ensure that AISA’s pinnacle events, BrisSEC2017 in March and the National Conference in October, deliver significant opportunities for its members. The Board is also pleased to announce that current sponsorship support and industry participation indicates that these events are successful.   

It has recently come to the attention of the Board that a small group of members are unhappy with recent changes to the executive team, and have notified the Board of their intention to try to activate enough member support to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting.

The current Board and Branch Chairs provide the most diverse industry representation that AISA has had for many years, and is committed to delivering stability, growth and increased advocacy for its industry and membership.

The Board acknowledges the need for positive leadership and full transparency and will be bringing forward the 2017 Annual General Meeting from December to October. Members will also be provided an opportunity to get involved in their industry body as an active member. The upcoming AGM in October will see a number of positions being opened for election and the Board will also be putting an official callout to Members in Academia, industry practitioners, and Government to get involved.

The Board is also in the process of re-establishing cooperative partnerships with similar industry partners and organisations and will move back to a model where local Branches have more autonomy and flexibility to meet the needs of its members.